Escape to Somerset Bay...and you enter a realm where a coastal palette seduces your senses, where relation washes over you, and the chaos of everyday life fades away. Timeless designs and evocative textures blend seamlessly to create a superbly appointed environment...a place to live, entartain or escape.
With a collection inspired by some of the most impressive coastal locales - Nantucket, Newport, Carmel, Bar Harbor, to name a few - you can expect an equally impressive product. Somerset Bay raises the standard in design and construction. Each piece is handcrafted from the finest plantation grown mahogany and premium veneers and trim. Craftsmen use state-of-the-art techniques to produce the timeless soft Somerset Bat patina. Their skills can further be seen in the distressing, dry-brushing and antiquing that shapes the character of each piece of handcrafted furniture. And a closer inspection will reveal drawers constructed of rrenewable, plantation grown mahogany and made with traditional dovetail joints.
Welcome to Somerset Bay...the colors of a life well lived.